Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Helpful Links

Hello again Applicants!
Here are some "mandatory" links for your reference.  I'm sure you have used these already though.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

My dear medical residency applicants,

Greetings from southern Illinois!

If you have not yet received an interview in your target field, maybe you should consider applying for another specialty.  Preliminary year programs might also be a great option for you.

Another possibility would involve making calls to smaller hospitals (both urban and rural) where they may hire outside the Match, in order to find out if they hire a resident or two in your desired specialty.  Make sure the program would be accredited though, and that you know what you are getting in to before you sign anything.

We would be more than happy to help you with your CV, personal statement or letters.



Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hello Medical Residency Applicants for 2014!

I am very pleased that many of you have already contacted us about helping you with your personal statements, and we have edited quite a few since the beginning of 2013.  Most of the doctors decide to submit their first drafts to us in August and September.   While we love the excitement of deadlines and work well under pressure, I also appreciate those of you who are "early birds."

We now offer a "From Scratch" service.  The doctor completes a questionnaire and we construct your essay based on your answers.  Then the doctor makes his/her changes to that draft, returns the statement, and we incorporate the changes into the second draft.  The results have been outstanding with your input on that second draft.

I hope you have done well on your exams, but if your scores are marginal (as many are), it's all the more reason to present an outstanding statement of purpose.  We welcome you.  Your story is unique and interesting.  Let us help you tell it.

Contact us today: cvpersonalstatement@gmail.com



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

Greetings to all the past and present medical residency and medical fellowship applicants!  Last year was a very busy one for us.  It seems the word is getting out there that we offer a specialized service to you, just like you offer specialized care to your patients.

Since CVPersonalstatement is getting older, we are starting to receive some very positive feedback from many of the past applicants.  It is a great day when we hear you have landed a position, and I'm so happy when we have a valued client return to us for editing a medical fellowship personal statement after he or she has completed the residency!  That may be selfish, but it serves as a motivator to keep this service going.  Our service remains "boutique" and focused only on you, the doctors and the future medical residents/sub-specialists.

Best wishes always,