Sunday, May 27, 2018

Medical Residency Applicants 2019

Hello Medical Residency Applicants 2019!

It's high time you start on your personal statement for your ERAS application!  We can help you polish your personal statement, and edit all writing levels for all specialties.  Our main requirement is that your original essay which you submit for editing be just that - ORIGINAL.  Plagiarism can seriously hurt your application - both now and in the future.  There exists a "bank" of personal statements, against which many program admissions committee members can check the originality of your personal statement.  If it's plagiarized, that's the "kiss of death,"  both now and in the future!
So just be YOU....who else can you be in a personal statement? 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Do NOT Plagiarize Your Personal Statement!

Dear Medical Residency/Fellowship Applicants:

Plagiarizing your personal statement or even borrowing ideas from samples on the internet can hurt your reputation forever.  Personal statements can and are often placed in a big data bank and checked with an App to detect plagiarizing - that's the new trend and it is on FIRE.  Don't do it.  It can hurt your chances to land a medical residency, this year AND ALL FUTURE YEARS.  Consider yourself warned.
