Tuesday, May 4, 2021

U.S. Medical Residency Applicants 2023

My Dear Medical Residency Applicants,

Be very careful with your social media profiles, posts, likes and public remarks!  While you may change your settings to "private" mode, nothing is completely private once it has been published online.  Outside of the fact that your personal online legacy is going to live on way beyond your own years, residency selection committees for now will be able to check out all your information as they consider your medical residency application.  See yourself as others see you, both present and future.  

So that's the only advice for this morning.  You are smart enough to understand the reasoning! 

With kind regards,



Sunday, May 2, 2021

Your U.S. Medical Residency/Medical Fellowship Personal Statement

Good Morning My Dear IMG's and FMG's, DO's, MD's & Medical Fellowship Applicants! 

I hope this finds you well.  Please contact us if you need help with covering what you perceive to be problem area with your personal statement.  As I mentioned yesterday, we can help you express in your essay what you THINK may be a major weakness in your application.  

The thing is, is that no one is perfect, including the program directors who are going to be reading your PS.  In most all cases, we have all built upon our weaknesses and turned them to strengths. 

Again, here are a few more examples of areas where we can help:

  • Poor USMLE scores
  • A gap in your resume
  • Lack of medical experience
  • Low grades in med. school
  • Demanding family issues
  • Advancing age of the applicant
  • A change in specialty choice
  • Not completing an earlier residency program 
  • Over qualification
  • Illness
  • A PS that is too long  (We like to keep them at about 650-750 words.)
  • A PS that is too short
  • A disorganized CV 
  • No research 
The only thing I can think of that is difficult for us to edit and justify is if you have a TOTAL lack of passion for the medical specialty or subspecialty to which you are applying.  That being said, it is still a good idea to cover your bases with a couple of specialty applications in somewhat related fields.  I mean, OBGYN/Surgery/Family Medicine, etc. is not for everyone.  Do not waste your effort on a "Plan D," but do consider applying for a second or third choice in case your first specialty choice doesn't work out. 

By the way, here are some links to a great site where you might converse anonymously with others about a variety of subjects related to you USMLE tests and residency application:
General - https://www.usmle-forums.com/

FMG's/IMG's - https://www.usmle-forums.com/forums/img-fmg-forum.67/


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Personal Statement Polishing for MD's, DO's, IMG's, FMG's and Medical Fellowship Program Applicants

My Dear Medical Residency Applicants, 

May 2021 is here!  Now is the time to start working on your personal statement for your 2022 ERAS application.  Here are a few of the sticky areas you might be facing as you write your PS:

  • A specialty change
  • Older applicants
  • Obstacles you have overcome
  • Gaps from practice
  • Experience outside the medical field
  • Dropping out of a previous medical residency program
  • Lack of research
  • Lack of experience
  • Lack of extracurricular medical activities
  • A disorganized CV
  • Cutting down the wordage in your current PS! (This one is really important.) 

For experienced help, shoot us an email today through our website's contact form:  www.CVPersonalstatement.com

We have also worked extensively with editing a wide array of medical subspecialty/fellowship personal statements. 


(618) 207-3277