Monday, September 19, 2022

Personal Statement Editing for Medical Residency Applicants and Medical Fellowship Applicants

Good morning Medical Residency and Medical Fellowship Applicants!

With the 2023 right around the corner, now is the time to polish your personal statement, CV or letter!  

You may want to consider applying for a few different specialties, so you may want to reflect on an additional target specialty or subspecialty.  We can also help you tailor your essay to focus on your back-up choice, which may, after all, be your true path.  

May God bless and guide you in all of your endeavors. 


Monday, August 1, 2022

STRAIGHT FROM THE AMA! (CV Writing for Residency Applicants) & More

Good morning, and happy August 1st!

Here is a useful link to an article about writing your CV, straight from the American Medical Association's website.  Click below:

The do’s and don’ts of CV writing for residency applicants | American Medical Association (

Meanwhile, we strongly recommend you go ahead and join the AMA to enjoy the benefits: 

AMA Member Benefits PLUS (

Have a great day!


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Premier Editing Service for DO's, MD's, FMG's, IMG's & Medical Fellowship Applicants ONLY

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you started writing your personal statement for your medical residency application?  We are glad to provide you with 5 questions to answer in your essay.  Each answer is then organized into one paragraph, so it's a simple approach that has worked for many of our clients who are not sure how to begin the essay writing process.  Contact us today at if you would like help organizing your thoughts into paragraphs.  

We also polish your completed original essay if you have completed your PS. 

Thanks.  May God guide and bless all your efforts.


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Attention: Medical Residency Applicants 2023!

Dear 2023 Medical Residency Applicants, 

It is time to start the writing process for your specialty personal statement to be uploaded to your ERAS application.   We also edit for those physicians applying for residencies and fellowships outside the Match.  

Your approach to this project involves a self-reflection of your favorite specialties.  From there, many start writing their essays with an outline, while some just dive in and start writing random thoughts.  As you organize your outline or thoughts into paragraphs, your original takes on a unique life of its own.  

When you complete your statement, you may want to polish your original with the help of a team who has years of experience with exactly this type of project.  Please feel free to contact us if you would like our help. 

Thanks, and may God grant you success and contentment always.

(618) 207-3277