Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy April 2014!

To the 2014 applicants...(in the slim chance you have the time to read this blog!):
I hope that you have landed the medical residency program of your dreams, one that allows for maximum learning and sharing in a friendly environment.  May God always guide you and bring you satisfaction and happiness, as well as for your future patients. 
For the 2015 applicants:
Now that we are well in to April, it's time to start thinking about applying for the Residency Match 2015. Time flies, so it's a good idea start preparing your personal statement now.  

Draft an outline of where you've been, where you want to go and your best qualities.  If you are not sure which specialty you want, narrow it down to three.  Our editors would be pleased to help you refine your statements.  We also provide a "from scratch" service which requires the doctor fill out a detailed questionnaire, from which we build the personal statement.  However I must say the the best results have usually been when the doctor writes the personal statement, submits it to us, we dive in and make corrections, he/she reviews and makes changes, and last, we incorporate the doctor's changes into the final draft.  

As usual, expect the competition to be tough, so your essay should be outstanding.  Our goal is for you to obtain the medical residency or fellowship position you want.

By the way, I'm very pleased to announce that our main MD consultant has recently been promoted to the position of PROGRAM DIRECTOR. 

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