Thursday, August 14, 2014

For what it's worth - PS Tips on Youtube Video about writing your Personal Statement for a Medical Residency

Good morning Medical Residency Applicants and Medical Fellowship Applicants,

I came across an interesting video this morning about writing a personal statement for your ERAS application.  "Undergroundmed" brings up some good points. 

Remember the audience...program directors who have read 1000's of personal statements.

Avoid a CV type of information in your personal statement.

Make the PS about you.  Be yourself, because you do want a program who wants YOU, not some fabricated version of yourself. 

A catchy beginning helps.

Have a POINT in your personal statement. 

I'd like to add that having one "point" to your statement is often difficult.  Of course your aim is to obtain a residency in your target specialty, and there are roundabout ways of making this clear, whether it's an internship patient example, a personal characteristic you have or role model who has influenced you.  So I would have to disagree with sticking to ONE POINT.  You are a multifaceted individual and a unique individual who has multiple assets to offer the program. If there's any one "point,"  the point is that we want to convey your ability to do well in the target specialty program.

Before you write your first draft, scan specific programs online to see exactly what it is THEY have to offer YOU.  That would definitely help with the paragraph about what kind of program you want.

We can help you with your essay.  We do not WRITE essays.  "That won't work," as my grandmother used to say.  Even in our questionnaire based essay, we select from your answers to construct your statement. 

It's time to start if you haven't.  Relax, find a couple of hours to sit down in a quiet place and start on your draft.



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  2. From the well experienced professionals it will certainly be more easy for anyone to better proceed his acknowledgements as it used to better form essential parts. Also the concerning YT video will also describe everything about this. personal statement for masters degree
